Montag, 5. Oktober 2015

Top 3 Apps for Content Curation

Top 3 Apps for Content Curation

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Has your content marketing strategy hit a speed bump?
Writing and publishing original, timely and relevant content is where most marketing departments focus their efforts, and rightly so. But here’s the thing: no content team is an island.
Even with the best resources at your disposal, cranking out great content every day just isn’t possible. It’s inevitable that someone else in your industry is going to publish a piece making the same argument you’re making, and they’re going to do so better than you did.
At the same time, flooding social media with your own content each and every day will alienate followers and eventually turn your social media feed into an echo chamber. Your solution: amplify your reach by not only being a content creator but also being a content curator.
Top-notch marketing teams already know that striking the right mix of creation and curation is fundamental to a winning content marketing strategy. Content curation brings meaningful and purposeful organization to the sheer deluge of content flooding the Internet each day. Sharing relevant, meaningful information with your audience not only augments the content that you’re producing but also builds your reputation as an industry thought leader.
Plus, by sorting through the large amount of Web content to find the most meaningful information and presenting this information in an organized, valuable way, you’re solving a problem for your target audience and enhancing their quality of life on a daily basis.
Ready to up your content curation game? These apps can help:


With FrontPageit, you’ll read the best articles, not every article.
FrontPageit filters out social network noise and clickbait headlines so users only read quality content from expert curators. Stories and articles are expertly categorized around the most popular and relevant topics.
Instead of relying on algorithms to aggregate content, users curate it. Users can also choose their own experts: the top five percent of all nominees are invited to become a FrontPageit curator.
Apps for Content Curation


You share great articles all the time. Sniply turns these shares into more traffic for your site.
This must-use app attaches a call-to-action to every link you share. You can link back to your own website, an event page, a shopping cart, an email sign-up form, or even a Kickstarter campaign.
Whenever you share content from another website, you actually drive more traffic back to your site. Make the power of viral content work for you!
Apps for Content Curation


Zemanta aggregates and indexes your marketing content for multiple content ad formats, including promoted recommendations, in-stream ads, in-text ads, and sponsored content.
Its massive reach helps you precisely target specific audiences with your content. And unlike other paid distribution solutions, Zemanta’s bounce rates and time-on-site are in line with organic traffic.
Apps for Content Curation

Bottom Line

If you really want to dominate content curation, you have to get off social media. Yes, I know that’s a bold statement — especially when Facebook boasts over one million small or medium-sized businesses — but hear me out.
Social media is cluttered with noise from irrelevant chatter, clickbait headlines, and hidden sales agendas. Content curation feeds like FrontPageit, and Zemanta are different.
Thought leaders and industry experts share the best content they find on the Internet. Stories and articles are expertly categorized, ensuring that the most relevant stories automatically appear at the top of a user’s personalized newsfeed.
Further amplify your reach by sharing your curated feed via content discovery tools like Outbrain.
Trust and authenticity are at the core of content curation. Spamming followers with articles you write is not content curation.
For every article you share that you wrote, share one article related to your business/industry and four pieces of content from other influencers. Whenever you share content from other sources, add value to the piece by including narrative insight or a fresh spin on the material.
With the right approach and robust apps for content curation like Sniply, FrontPageit, and Zemanta, you’ll build your following in no time.
Work from Home Photo via Shutterstock

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